Anti Bullying

Anti Bullying

Anti Bullying

Everyone has the right to learn and work in a community club environment free from discrimination or harassment and where, fundamentally, they feel safe.  South Bank Taekwondo prides itself on having zero annual levels of officially reported incidences, however, we recognise that the stresses placed on those that are bullied can have a detrimental effect on making progress.  All of this can have far-reaching effects on their emotional health, well-being, attendance, educational successes and subsequent life chances.

We like to work with staff, students and parents to create an inclusive learning club environment and it is one where any form of bullying is not and will not be tolerated.

Bullying – Definition:
The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or online.

Types of bullying:

  • Verbal abuse – name calling and gossiping.
  • Non-verbal abuse – hand signs or text messages, emails, messaging.
  • Emotional abuse – threatening or intimidating someone.
  • Exclusion – deliberately ignoring or isolating someone.
  • Undermining – constantly criticising or spreading rumours.
  • Physical assaults – hitting and pushing, punching or having aggressive contact outside the scope of normal taekwondo instruction and training.
  • Cyber-bullying – this form of bullying is becoming much more prevalent with the rise of social networking and use of mobile internet devices such as phones and tablets. Cyberbullying will be taken seriously and dealt with by us in the same way as any other form of bullying.

The deliberate, conscious, recurring action to hurt, threaten or torment someone.

We have a number of strategies to encourage others to tell us about incidents of bullying, so we are able to effectively offer support to those experiencing the bullying and to ensure those carrying out the bullying stop.

  • We endeavour to prevent and tackle all forms of bullying and harassment; this includes but is not limited to cyber-bullying and prejudice-based bullying related to special education need, sex, race, religion and belief, disability, sexual orientation or gender reassignment regardless of the form the bullying takes; verbal or online abuse, physical intimidation or interference with property or any combination. 
  • We know that silence and secrecy encourage bullying. You must tell an adult if you are being bullied and you can expect that adult to try to do something effective to stop the bullying as soon as practically possible, either that day or the following morning. 
  • Contact the Club Welfare Officer (Lisa Ellis-Hancock).  You can speak in class, email: or telephone: 07946255630.  Alternatively, you can contact us via our Contact Form.  If the bullying continues, report the problem again.

Any student/s accused of bullying another student/s will be spoken to by our Welfare Officer in the first instance.  The parent/s of each party involved will be informed of such conversation and may be invited to attend.  Those student/s involved will have the opportunity to speak and amicably reach an agreement, apologise and progress.

Further incidences may result in the antaganiser being refused entry to the club and be removed from our club records.

Depending on the nature and extent of the bullying, British Taekwondo may refuse the student from joining any Taekwondo club and have the student/s licence and membership revoked.

South Bank Taekwondo reserved the right of entry to the club premises and web site at all times without justification.

Please click on the links below for further information and guidance.

British Taekwondo – Advice For Children
British Taekwondo – Advice For Parents
British Taekwondo – Adults At Risk

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